Anne Hathaway Discusses “The Idea of You” and More|Summary and Q&A

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Anne Hathaway's unique understanding of life

Video Link: Anne Hathaway Discusses “The Idea of You” and More


Anne Hathaway engages in a lively conversation about her role in “The Idea of You.” She reflects on how becoming a mother has softened her competitive edge. Hathaway shares an amusing story about a game of movie trivia. During this, she was surprised to learn she was the answer. The conversation shifts to her Broadway debut with Anna Wintour. Hathaway also discusses her experience with Shakespeare during the rain. She highlights her chemistry with Nick Galitzine in “The Idea of You”.


Anne Hathaway discusses various topics including motherhood, early career reflections, and her upcoming movie “The Idea of You.”

Anne Hathaway is discussing her upcoming movie "The idea of You".

Key Points

  1. Anne Hathaway reflects on how motherhood has made her less competitive.
  2. “The Idea of You” trailer sets a streaming movie record with 125 million views.
  3. Nick Galitzine stars as Hayes Campbell with strong chemistry alongside Hathaway.

Q&A Section 1

  • Q: How has motherhood influenced your approach to work and competitiveness?
  • A: Motherhood has definitely made me less competitive and more focused on what truly matters.
  • Q: What drew you to the role in “The Idea of You,” and how do you feel about its trailer’s success?
  • A: The role intrigued me, and I’m thrilled about the positive response to the trailer. It’s very exciting.
  • Q: What did Anne Hathaway say about motherhood and competition?
  • A: Anne Hathaway discussed how motherhood has softened her competitive nature. She explained that she now enjoys watching her kids win rather than competing herself. Hathaway shared that her kids are very competitive, which contrasts with her own competitive past.
  • Q: What was Anne Hathaway’s experience with movie trivia?
  • A: She shared a funny story about a movie trivia game where she was surprised to learn she was the answer. She was initially shocked but then realized she was correct. Hathaway found it amusing and surprising to discover her knowledge of movies.
  • Q: How did Anne Hathaway’s performance at Shakespeare in the Park go?
  • A: Anne Hathaway faced challenges performing Shakespeare in the rain at the Delacorte Theater. Despite the weather, Hathaway found joy in the experience, especially when the audience laughed at a line that worked unexpectedly well. Hathaway also shared a humorous story about raccoons disrupting her performance.
  • Q: How did Anne Hathaway describe her character in “The Idea of You”?
  • A: She described her character in “The Idea of You” as a mom who falls in love with the lead singer of a boy band. Hathaway’s character is relatable and down-to-earth, highlighting her everyday life as a mom.

Q&A Section 2

  • Q: How did Anne Hathaway and Nick Galitzine’s chemistry in “The Idea of You”?
  • A: They have great chemistry in “The Idea of You.” Hathaway was immediately impressed with Galitzine during auditions and the two have become good friends.
  • Q: What was the record-breaking trailer of “The Idea of You”?
  • A: The trailer for “The Idea of You” broke the record for most-watched streaming movie trailer with over 125 million views. The trailer’s success highlights the movie’s popularity and anticipation among audiences.
  • Q: What did Anne Hathaway say about her character’s relationship in “The Idea of You”?
  • A: Anne Hathaway described her character’s relationship with the lead singer as a story of unexpected love. Hathaway emphasized the relatability of her character, highlighting her role as a mom.
  • Q: How did Anne Hathaway feel about being compared to her “The Princess Diaries” role?
  • A: Anne Hathaway welcomed the comparison to her role in “The Princess Diaries” and expressed gratitude for the film’s enduring popularity. Hathaway laughed about not having seen the movie in a while but enjoyed the conversation.

Q&A Section 3

  • Q: What did Anne Hathaway say about working with Anna Wintour?
  • A: Anne Hathaway spoke highly of her experience working with Anna Wintour and shared a humorous story about their collaboration. Hathaway noted Wintour’s iconic status and their mutual respect for each other.
  • Q: What did Anne Hathaway say about her acting process?
  • A: She discussed her approach to acting and how she often doesn’t dwell on past roles. Hathaway emphasized the importance of finding humor in performances and being present in the moment.
  • Q: How did Anne Hathaway describe her experience at Shakespeare in the Park?
  • A:She shared her experience performing Shakespeare at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park, highlighting the challenges and unexpected humor of performing in the rain. Hathaway emphasized the joy of the audience’s reactions and the success of the performance.
  • Hathaway contrasted her current attitude with her past competitive self.
  • Q: What did Anne Hathaway say about her movie trivia experience?
  • A: She shared a humorous story about her experience with movie trivia, where she was surprised to discover she was the correct answer. Hathaway found the experience amusing and enjoyed reflecting on her knowledge of movies.


Anne Hathaway revealed her journey from a competitive individual to a softer persona. She reflected on her acting career and discussed her experiences of watching her kids. Her story about her acting process provided a glimpse into her professional life. For example, she played with Shakespeare in the Park. Hathaway shared anecdotes, and her recent work on “The Idea of You.” She shows enthusiasm for her project and co-star Nick Galitzine.

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